

ALPA Canada Pilot Assistance has aeromedical pilot volunteers to help members navigate issues with pilot medicals and Transport Canada. We also have a group of civil aviation medical examiners on retainer that we can refer our members to.

Contact the Aeromedical Committee through Contact a Peer or call 1-800‐561‐9576, ext. 8312.

Critical Incident Response Program (CIRP)

CIRP is an ALPA service dedicated to assisting our members in the event of a workplace accident or incident. We serve on pilot assistance committees for various airlines across Canada and are specifically trained to help crews after an accident. Airlines offering a Critical Incident Response Program will respond to any incident within their airline, while the National Critical Incident Response Program team will respond to any request for any ALPA carrier anywhere in Canada, whether they have their own program or not.

Peer Pilot Support (PPS)

PPS is a network of volunteer pilots who help fellow ALPA members deal with stress from any source; financial problems, family or relationship problems, or any other professional or personal problems. PPS volunteers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to listen and offer confidential, non-judgmental support to ALPA members in the United States and Canada. If your airline does not offer a pilot support program, please contact the PPS.

Retirement and Insurance

ALPA Canada R&I (Retirement and Insurance) is a group of pilot volunteers who can assist members in the various benefit, retirement, and insurance programs that are available to you as an ALPA member. Find out more and enroll here: Canadian Member Plans.